Step 4: Measure

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Step 4: Measure impacts using the SocialEars SPA tool

Analytics are critical see measure what’s working and how to improve. In fact, attempting to do marketing without real-time social analytics is like trying to fly an airplane blindfolded. SocialEars will measure the engagement and impact of our content marketing efforts.

And we all know that we manage what we measure.

Social Media GrowthThe SocialEars SPA tool provides the critical measurements on the effectiveness of your blogging and premium content pieces. In particular it gives you real-time feedback on the social engagement in your social audience. The graph to the right shows an increasing engagement and sharing in the major social communities indicating both a growing social community and an increased engagement, which combined together drives traffic directly to your content.
seo-ranking-factors-2014Organic search page ranking is driven primarily by social shares and backlinks. The study shown on the left found that 7 out of 11 top search ranking factors are social. This makes sense because social shares are a form of high-quality real-time backlinks to your content. By increasing social engagement you will break-out of the noisy content world and into the high-ranking pages that drive organic traffic to your site.

*** It is interesting to note that the #2 page ranking factor is now Relevant Terms.  This is likely the result of the Google Hummingbird search engine Fall 2013 update which placed context as a key component of search ranking.  The SocialEars Content Optimizer is specifically designed to improve your context score.  See it here and improve your content’s organic page rank.

By using the SocialEars SPA tool you can further optimize and refine your content to maximize ROI and drive more quality traffic into your marketing and sales funnels creating quality leads from organic search engines with no additional expense.


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